Do you want to have a khimar buy? In the big cities like The Hague, Utrecht, Rotterdam and Amsterdam you will find several shops where you can buy these! No shop nearby? We offer several nice Khimars online and are happy to deliver them to your home! Order your Khimar online at Moslimkleding.nl! Since 2007 the trusted webshop for Islamic clothing. Now a score of 9.3 from 5000 reviews.

What is a Khimar
The Khimar is basically a very long sewn together headscarf. It is a sewn together piece of fabric with a head hole. So it falls over your head, over your neck, shoulders and chest. With this it provides the desired coverage for the Muslim woman. The khimar is available in different models and lengths. For example, there are khimars with a sewn-in headband and without, with sleeves and without, finishing of the sleeves can differ per model and in addition there are different types of fabrics that are used depending on the season. At Islamicclothing.nl you can order different models of khimars online. For example, the one piece khimar is offered, a very long version, or the two piece which is a khimar with skirt or Sirwal (trouser skirt). The Tie Back khimar is also a popular model that you can order from us.

You have Khimar's up to your hip or up to your knee and even up to your ankle. You have the butterfly or batwing version or one with slightly tighter sleeves. Khumor (plural of Khimar) comes in all the colors you can think of and that you could want. A Khimar is one of the most covering garments and the easiest to put on, it is usually self-explanatory. With a band that you tie behind your head, everything is actually already done and the khimar will fall as it should. In 2018 we offered the latest khimar models online. This is the khimar with coll. The traditional khimar stretches between the head and shoulders which is very uncomfortable. Especially in winter when you wear a lot of clothes. The Khimar with Coll, the name says it all, has a built-in coll. This is a spacious fabric around the neck so that your khimar no longer pulls between the head and shoulders. This model provides a lot of freedom of movement without having to worry about your khimar slipping off your head because the fabric at the shoulders pulls.
When can you wear a Khimar?

The Khimar can be worn perfectly in the winter. You do need an oversized jacket to keep the khimar in a good position without it pulling.

In the summer a Khimar is a best friend! You don't need anything else to wear over it. The khimar is nice and wide which offers comfort and also coverage.

A khimar is one of the best garments to cover yourself in such a way that you can perform prayer with it. A big advantage is that a khimar does not show any body parts.
Recommended khimars for you

Which khimar suits you best?
If you would like advice on which khimar suits you best and which size is suitable for you, please call our customer service team who will be happy to assist you and where you can ask all your questions about an abaya. Are you a Westerner about to make a business trip to the Middle East (especially Saudi Arabia or the Emirates)? What clothing is suitable for women in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Dubai, Emirates, etc? We are the go-to for professional advice when it comes to what you can wear and for which occasion. The visa office in The Hague has been referring this group to us for several years now. You are assured of good advice!